德望學校 – S1數學 1A Chapter 2 Directed Numbers & the Number Line – CQ (16-21)
Good Hope School – S1 Maths Exam Question (by-topic)
1A Chapter 2 Directed Numbers & The Number Line – CQ (16-21)
德望學校 數學 中一考試 歷屆試題 (by-topic)
Directed Numbers & the Number Line Conventional Questions (16-21)
數學試卷 只供溫習、操卷之用。
- a) -1/3
b) \(-7\tfrac{2}{3}\) - a) -6 kb
b) 46.5 kg - a) A = -2.5, B = -0.5
b) 7 - a) -10 < -3 < -1/4 < 0 < 19/4 < +5
b) 2 - a) -8/3
b) 1/20 - a) 71
b) I disagree - a) -12
b) 11/3 - a) -4
b) 1/8 - 30
- -$1200
- 276
- -26/5 (or \(-5\tfrac{1}{5}\)
- a) 1
b) -1009 - a) -8
b) 24 - $31.1
- A: -2.5 , B: + 0.5
- 2/7
- -28°C
- a) -$5
b) $55
如欲取得詳細題解, 請電郵 [email protected]。
- 1. 有向數 (Directed Numbers)
- 2. 代數式和方程式 (Algebraic Expressions & Equations)
- 3. 指數及進制 (Laws of integral indices)
- 4. 多項式 (Polynomials)
- 5. 百分法 (Using percentages)
- 6. 近似值與估算 (Approximate values & estimation)
- 7. 幾何簡介 (Introduction to Geometry)
- 8. 對稱及變換 (Symmetry and Transformation)
- 9. 全等及相似 (Congruence and Similarity)
- 10. 量度方面的估計 (Estimation in measurements)
- 11. 面積及體積 (Area and Volume)
- 12. 坐標簡介 (Introduction to Coordinates)
- 13. 統計簡介 (Introduction to Statistics)
- *** 初中試卷 / 試題庫 ***