德望學校 – S2數學 2A Chapter 3 Identities – CQ (16-21)
Good Hope School – S2 Maths Exam Question (by-topic)
2A Chapter 3 Identities – CQ (16-21)
德望學校 數學 中二考試 歷屆試題 (by-topic)
Identities Conventional Questions (26-21)
數學試卷 只供溫習、操卷之用。
- It is an identity.
- A = 3, B = 14, C = 2
- a) A = 2
b) (x – 2)(x + 1)2 - P = -7, Q = 11
- A = 10, B = 5
- a) a2 + 6a + 9
b) 4x2 – 20xy + 25y2 + 12x – 30y + 9 - It is an identity.
- It is not an identitiy.
- A = -6, B = 24, C = 7
- A = 5, B = 10
- a) It is an identity.
b) 43/35 - a) x2 – 16x + 64
b) a2 + 4ab + 4b2 – 16a – 32b + 64 - It is an identity.
- A = -2, B = 3
- It is an identity.
- A = 2, B = 11
- a) u4 – 2u2v2 + v4
b) 64 - A = 3, B = -1
- It is an identity.
- 1. 近似與誤差 (Approximation & Errors)
- 2. 恆等式 (Identities)
- 3. 因式分解 (Factorization)
- 4. 公式 (Formulae)
- 5. 聯立二元一次方程 (Simultaneous Linear Equations)
- 6. 率及比 (Rate and Ratio)
- 7. 百份法 (Use of Percentage)
- 8. 幾何定理 (Geometry)
- 9. 畢氏定理 (Pythagoras’ Theorem)
- 10. 三角比 (Trigonometric Ratios)
- 11. 面積和體積 (Areas and Volumes)
- 12. 統計 (Statistics)
- *** 初中試卷 / 試題庫 ***