DSE數學延伸部分單元一 (M1)



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  • 二項展式 (Binomial expansion)
  • 指數函數和對數函數 (Exponential and logarithmic functions)
  • 函數的導數 (Derivative of a function)
  • 函數的求導法 (Differentiation of a function)
  • 二階導數 (Second derivative)
  • 求導法的應用 (Applications of differentiation)
  • 不定積分法及其應用 (Indefinte integration and its applications)
  • 定積分法及其應用 (Definite integraion and its applications)
  • 運用梯形法則計算定積分的近似值 (Approximation of definite integrals using the trapezoidal rule)
  • 條件概率和貝葉斯定理 (Conditional probability and Bayes’ theorem)
  • 離散隨機變量 (Discrete random variables)
  • 概率分佈、期望值和方差 (Probability distribution, expectation and variance)
  • 二項分佈 (The binomial distribution)
  • 泊松分佈 (The Poisson distribution)
  • 二項分佈和泊松分佈的應用 (Application of the binomial and the Poisson distributions)
  • 正態分佈的基本定義及其性質 (Base definition and properties of the normal distribution)
  • 正態變量的標準化及標準正態分佈表的運用 (Standardisation of a normal variable and use of the standard normal table)
  • 正態分佈的應用 (Applications of the normal distribution)
  • 抽㨾分佈和點估計 (Sample distribution and point estimates)
  • 總體平均值的置信區間 (Confidence interval for a population mean)