數學試卷答案 – St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Form 1 Math Final Exam 2017-18 Paper 1


  1. a) 80 cm
    b) n = 9
  2. a) 10n – 18 ≥ 130
    b) 15, 20
    (or any integer value ≥ 15)
  3. x = 8
  4. a) $24 000
    b) x = 135°, y = 36°
    c) 32.5%
  5. 84.8 cm2
  6. a) i) 4320 cm3
       ii) h = 20
    b) i) 1728 cm2
        ii) 24 cm
      iii) They do not have equal total surface area.
  7. a) b)

    c) Obtuse-angled triangle
  8. a) (3, -5)
    b) P is reflected in the y-axis to R.
         (or P is translated 6 units to the right to R.)
    c) 15
    d) Q (0, 4) and S (0, -6)
        (or any other reasonable answers)
  9. a)

    b) (4, 290°)
    c) ΔORS is a right-angled triangle.
  10. a) N (0, 2)
    b) Correctly plot P and R.  Joining the 4 vertics.

    c) 45
    d) (-1, 1)
  11. a) ∠UST = 21°
    b) Yes.   Reason: alt. ∠s equal
  12. a = 56°, b = 101°
  13. a) – 
    b) AD = 12
  14. a) ∠PRQ = 140°
    b) Yes.  Reason (SAS)

St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Form 1 Math Final Exam 2017-18 Paper 1 試卷
