數學試卷答案 – St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Form 3 Math Mid-Year Exam 2018-19


Section A

  1. a) (8a – 5b)(8a + 5b)
    b) (m – 6)(m – 2)
    c) (7x -4y)2
  2. a) \(8.4 \times 10^{-7}\)
    b) \(-3.15 \times 10^{8}\)
  3. n = 5 – 2m
  4. 8000000C00(16)
  5. a) 1.05
    b) 452486
  6. $19520
  7. -8.40%
  8. \(n=\dfrac{2x+2y}{4+y}\)
  9. x > 7
  10. a) False
    b) False
    c) True
  11. 66
  12. I, III
  13. 63
  14. I, III
  15. 3
  16. 8 cm2

Section B

  1. 8x3y3
  2. a) x ≥ -33/23
    b) -1
  3. $46.2
  4. a) The owner used the mean to represent the average hourly wage.
    b) Mean is easily affected by extreme values.  There are extreme values in the above data set, therefore it is not appropriate to use mean to reflect the hourly age.
  5. a) i) (3x – 4)(x + 1)
        ii) 2(3x2 – 4)(3x2 + 4)
    b) 2(3x2 + 4)(3x -4)(x + 1)
  6. \(\dfrac{1}{a(1-a)}\)
  7. a) –
    b) –
    c) i) –
        ii) –
  8. 141 cm2
  9. a) 1 cm
    b) 6.67%
  10. a) y = 0.8r
    b) The radius is decreased by 20%
  11. a) $100750
    b) $101505.625 – 20075x
    c) $25657
  12. a) \(3.2 \times 10^{6}\)
    b) \(9.58 \times 10^{7}\)m2
    c) The claim is not correct.

St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Form 3 Math Mid-Year Exam 2018-19 試卷
