數學試卷答案 – St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Form 3 Math Mid-Year Exam 2017-18


Section A

  1. a) (2m – 5n)(2m + 5n)
    b) (x – 2)(x + 7)
    c) (2x – 5y)(x + 2y)
  2. a) \(3.4 \times 10^{-6}\)
    b) \(-2.7 \times 10^{8}\)
  3. 1
  4. B00001EF(16)
  5. $28515
  6. $3868.5
  7. -9.7%
  8. a) False
    b) True
    c) False
  9. 8
  10. Mean = 2.69
    Median = 2.5
    Mode = 1
  11. 16.2
  12. a) 13
    b) 25%
  13. 50°
  14. 3.96 cm
  15. 6.52 cm2

Section B

  1. \(\dfrac{p^{14}}{q^{10}}\)
  2. a) x ≥ -73/11
    b) -6
  3. y > 15/8
  4. a) \(3.99 \times 10^{12}\)
    b) \(3.42 \times 10^{11}\)
    c) The claim is agreed.
  5. a) 62.5
    b) x = 78
    c) 66
  6. a) –
    b) 19.2
  7. a) 60°
    b) –
  8. a) 15
    b) 136π cm2
  9. 1645 cm3
  10. a) $168000 – x
    b) x = 8000
    c) The claim is disagreed.
  11. 20/9
  12. a) (x – 4)(x2 + 4x + 16)
    b) (x + 29)(x – 4)
    c) (x – 4)(2x2 + 7x + 3)

St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Form 3 Math Mid-Year Exam 2017-18 試卷
