數學試卷答案 – St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Form 2 Math Final Exam 2018-19 Paper 1


  1. a) 55°
    b) 20°
  2. 10
  3. 24
  4. Time required = 6.25 min > 6 min.  Therefore, don’t agree.
  5. 100g
  6. a) 10 : 15: 21
    b) 7 : 44
  7. a) m = 2
    b) x = 1/3, y = 13/3
    c) (0, 5)
  8. a) 94.5    |  0
         104.5  |  4
         114.5   | 14
         124.5   | 19
         134.5   | 26
         144.5   | 37
         154.5   | 40
    c) There are 23 out of 40 adults have bolld pressure ≥ 120 mmHg.  Therefore, 57.7% of the group haver a rish in getting high blood pressure.  Hence, the claim is correct.
  9. a) i) \(h^{2}=144-x^{2}\)
       ii) \(h^{2}=196-(20-x)^{2}\)
    b) x = 8.7, h = 8.26
  10. a) 5a – 5b
    b) \(\dfrac{\sqrt{5}}{2}\)
  11. a) (x + 1)(y – 1)
    b) 8(3x + 2y – 2)(y + 1)
  12. a) \(\dfrac{15}{x+3}\)
    b) i) \(x=\dfrac{15-3a}{a}\)
        ii) x = -8
  13. a) i) \(x^{4}+10x^{2}+25\)
    b) –
    c) –
  14. a) 63.4°
    b) 6.03 cm
  15. a) 2
    b) 15°
    c) \(2+\sqrt{3}\)
  16. a) 1
    b) 1
  17. a) \(sin^{2}\theta\)
    b) \(cos\theta(sin\theta+1)\)
    c) \(\dfrac{1}{tan\theta}\)
    d) 11.31°

St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Form 2 Math Final Exam 2018-19 Paper 1 考試卷
