數學試卷答案 – St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Form 1 Math Mid-Year Exam 2019-20


Section A

  1. -6, -5, +0.7, +0,715, +1
  2. 180
  3. -6
  4. 18
  5. a) False
    b) False
    c) False
  6. \(\dfrac{a-b}{c^{2}}\)
  7. 2
  8. 4
  9. 7
  10. 21 kb
  11. -34
  12. 37 mins
  13. a) \(x^{2}+5 > 13\)
    b)\(\dfrac{20}{y+4} \geqslant 9\)
  14. -5
  15. B
  16. a) ΔABE
    b) ΔDEF
  17. (draw the sector as shown in the question)
  18. 250%
  19. 360
  20. \(+\dfrac{50}{3}%\ or +16\dfrac{2}{3}\)
  21. 543
  22. $432
  23. $3600
  24. 28.5 cm2

Section B

  1. a) overall loss is $2200
    b) It is impossible.
  2. a) 16a – 4
    b) y = -10
  3. a) 118 cm
    b) i) 24 cm
        ii) 840 cm2
  4. a) 150 -4x ≤ 120
         or 11x + 15(10 – x) ≤ 120
    b) Cannot
    c) 8 or 9
  5. x = 70°
    y = 40°
  6. a) 48
    b) 57.5%
  7. a) 48
    b) $268
    c) The claim is correct.

St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Form 1 Math Mid-Year Exam 2019-20 試卷
